Friday, July 16, 2010

15 month check up

Kaitlin had her 15 month checkup today and she knew exactly where she was when we walked in the Dr’s office. She was not happy to be there and she let everyone know. She was terrible at her 1 year visit and lost her mind when they pricked her finger. So I enlisted Kory to be my baby wrangler today so I could have a conversation with our doctor while Kaitlin screamed. Kory wins Father of the day for going with me after all his travel troubles last night. We got a  terrible lightning  storm that lasted forever diverting Kory’s plane to Springfield MO. They shut down our airport and Kory and his travelers rented a car and drove the rest of the way home. He got home after 3 am and still went with us. Thanks Kory!


Kaitlin is still really tall 33 1/2 inches ( 97th percentile) and 23 lbs and 4 oz (50th percentile). She had a great appointment and they are very pleased at her development and progress! Kaitlin just wanted to leave.  We rewarded her 4 shots with lunch at Chikfila and she was a happy happy girl. After we got home she went down for a nap. Unfortunately we had another round of thunderstorms come thru the area that woke Kaitlin up from her nap early. I was listening to her on the monitor when she was startled by the thunder and stated yelling “ No NO!!” I found her in her crib pointing out the window mad at the thunder for waking her up. She did it several other times after thunder this afternoon. It was the cutest thing.


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