Kaitlin has had a busy Valentine’s Day. She was SOOOOOO excited about going to school after 2 weeks at home. I loved her outfit! 
Kaitlin had a few little goodies waiting on her at breakfast. She is kinda scared of her Big Balloon. Every time we go to Walmart, she is always amazed at the balloons but it looks so much bigger in our house!

Here’s Kaitlin wearing her new sunglasses! She is a smart girl wearing them on her head. It was pure instincts!

Kaitlin snuggled with her Valentine Buzz Light-year before school

And worked really hard on her valentine for Kory

Ready for school and so excited!

Kaitlin RAN into school and gave her teacher Mrs. Erika a huge hug! They had a party and Kaitlin decorated her own bag for all her goodies! She got a ball, bubbles, and all sorts of snacks. We have talked about bubbles all afternoon.

While Kaitlin was at Mother’s Day Out Kory and I had a lunch date at Abuelo’s. It was so fun being out of the house on a real date again. I printed out a date cheat sheet that Parent’s magazine sent me. It had questions like “what countries would you like to visit” and “what dream job would you want for 1 year”. I thought it would be LAME but it was really fun. Here is the link http://www.parents.com/parenting/relationships/staying-close/date-night-a-cheat-sheet/
Here’s my Valentine at lunch!

We figured out that Kaitlin’s “love language” is Chick-Fila so that is where we are taking her tonight for her big night out. She will be so happy. We will be home by 7:00! A perfect date night with a toddler.

Happy Valentine’s Day from our little Love Bug!