Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Wild Week

We have had a wild weather week here in NWA!! It will be warm and beautiful one day and then snow flurries the very next day! It is stormy and rainy today but this smile brightens any day!

November 2011 p2 017

Kaitlin also has slept thru her 1st two earthquakes! We felt the big one Saturday night measuring a 5.7 and we had an aftershock last night but it was smaller about a 4.6! Kaitlin hasn’t noticed yet!!

November 2011 p2 019

We have been working puzzles and doing watercolors today to distracts us from all the storms outside!

November 2011 p2 049

Kaitlin did play outside this weekend when it was sunny!!

November 2011 p2 032November 2011 p2 035

Here is Kory’s synopsis of our crazy weather in NWA!! It was so funny to think about all our new wild weather adventures!!

“Lots of firsts and seconds since moving to NWA. 2nd time I'd seen 2' of snow in February. 1st time I'd seen a tornado last Spring followed by a 2nd one that came within a mile of my house. Then, my first earthquake (5.7) on Saturday followed by my 2nd one TONIGHT (4.6 aftershock).” Crazy!!!

1 comment:

  1. She is growing so fast. Too precious! Hope the weather calms down soon.

    -Kim Malone Davis
