Monday, June 25, 2012

The Zoo

We went to the Columbus Zoo this weekend and had an amazing time! We had heard how amazing the zoo was but it exceeded our high expectations!

Kaitlin had the best time and we can't wait to go back! We happened to be in the area during a meet the zookeeper time at the gorillas! Kaitlin was so attentive and did not want to miss anything!

Then she found a stick and decided to show the gorillas and the audience! The zoo was huge as big as some theme parks and we were there a long time and did not get to see all the animals!

Of course we had to get our picture made with Jack Hannah!

Sweet Colin was great the entire time and never fussed or cried all day! I see many more zoo days in our future!




  1. 1st time commenting on your blog, been to the Columbus zoo a couple or so times and they're always changing stuff there, we went there 2 years ago with my brother, his wife and their 3 girls but now my brother has 4 girls (his oldest is from his 1st marriage and the other 3 are from his 2nd marriage, just had the last one almost 5 mos. ago).


  2. I've never actually been to the Columbus Zoo but we have talked about going several times. It's only a few hours away from where we live! Looks like you all had a great time. I always enjoy the zoo. I think they are for old and young alike :)
