Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Pet Camp

Kaitlin will be going to a new preschool in the fall. They offered some weekly camps this summer so I signed her up for a few weeks so she could adjust to her new surroundings!


Kaitlin takes some time to get adjusted to new things but she had a wonderful first day! She walked right in her classroom and did not look back! It was her best first day of school EVER!!!

She is the youngest in her class and they have 4 year old thru 6 year olds in one big group! This is a wonderful experience and we are thrilled about the upcoming school year!


Day two she was up early and ready to go back!

It was  zoo day and you can imagine how excited Kaitlin was to have an entire day of zoo animal fun!


After camp!! She had fun! They played outside for a long time and she had a blast!


Day Three


She had so much fun today she put herself down for a nap!

Stay tuned for more pet camp updates!

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