Saturday, April 14, 2012

Road Trip

Our trip back to Arkansas was one of the longest rides EVER.  Kory was always proud of being able to make “good time” in about 10 1/2 hours.  This trip took over 13.  Kaitlin made the best of it though.  She relaxed in the car with her headphones & shades (where did my little girl go?!?!?!?)


And played fun games, like putting Smokey in a “TRAP” and then saving him …

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We had to make one stop in the middle of nowhere Arkansas.  This didn’t bother Kaitlin as she can find fun in about most anything.  The gas station just happened to have a little grassy area that she decided she’d use as a playground!


Picking up sticks … Kory said her Papaw would’ve been proud …



It was a long week and a long ride back.  We are thankful to be home!

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